01: Setting up Company Details

1 min. readlast update: 04.27.2023

The first thing you’ll want to do in Monthly Self Reporting is to set up your company details.  

To do this, click Settings along the left and open the Company Details tab.


On this page, you can enter your company name and contact email, license number, and mailing address. 


To edit any field, hover over it and click the Edit icon. After making your changes, press Enter.


To upload a company logo or avatar, click the Upload Picture link at the top.


Once the image is selected, cropped, and uploaded, you can change the image by clicking the Edit Picture link. To remove the image, hover over it and click its Delete icon.


When you’re done filling out company details,, you can add other users to your account, and set up one or more bank accounts to make payments. 

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