03: Setting Up Bank Accounts

2 min. readlast update: 04.27.2023

Your workers’ comp payments will be handled by Hourly — all we need is your monthly premium and at least one verified bank account. 

To add bank account details to your account, click Settings along the left and open the Bank Accounts tab. 


Click Add at the top right. 


Enter the routing and account numbers, account type, and name, then click Save.


To verify your account, we’ll make a small deposit and a small debit of less than $1 each. The verification process takes about 24 hours. To start the process, click Agree


Once those transactions are complete, you’ll need to find the credit and debit amounts on your bank statement. If you see them there, great! That means you’re almost verified. Just go back to your Bank Accounts tab, find the pending verification, and click Verify account


In the popup window, enter the values of the two transactions, then click Confirm


Once your account is confirmed, we’ll use it for your premium payments.  

If you ever need to edit or delete an account, just click its three-dot icon and choose either Edit or Delete.


If you have more than one bank account, the first one you entered will be listed as the default account. To make another bank account the default, click its three-dot icon and choose Make default


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