Some industries may not be allowed to work with Hourly in order to meet our internal and external obligations. The types of businesses listed below are representative, but not exhaustive. Hourly may in its sole discretion decide to restrict or prohibit any other categories, industries or services not listed below.
If you are uncertain as to whether a business is prohibited or restricted or you have questions about these requirements, please contact (844) 800-2211
- Adult entertainment businesses
- Businesses engaged in bulk shipments of currency (includes Armored Car services)
- Businesses engaged in the manufacture or sale of drug paraphernalia
- Businesses engaged in CBD or Kratom manufacture or sale
- Businesses historically linked to consumer fraud schemes:
- Get rich products
- Lifetime guarantees/memberships
- Pyramid type sales
- Raffles or sweepstakes
- Sales of mailing lists/personal information
- Travel clubs
- Casinos/gaming or card clubs
- Businesses engaged in credit repair services
- Customers producing remotely created checks
- Dating or escort services
- Entities represented by bearer shares
- Foreign Banks/Embassies/Consulates/Missions
- ISO/ATM Operators/ Virtual Currency ATMs
- Issuers, exchangers or brokers of virtual currency
- Convertible Virtual Currency businesses
- Marijuana-related businesses
- Merchant services provider
- Online gambling businesses
- Payday lenders
- Publishers or distributors engaged in the pornography trade
- Publishers or distributors of racist or discriminatory materials
- Shell banks
- Shell companies
- Telemarketing firms
For more information, review Hourly’s Terms of Service.