19: Setting Up a Sick Pay Policy

2 min. readlast update: 10.12.2022

To set up one or more sick pay policies, click Time Off along the left, then click Add New at the top right, and choose New Sick Pay Policy.


Assign a policy name, and choose from several leave accrual methods. If you choose Per Hours Worked, set the number of hours accrued for a set number of work hours. For the other three methods - Each Pay Period, On Beginning of Year, or On Anniversary, set the total numbers of hours accrued for the selected length of time.


In the remaining fields, set whether employees need to complete a waiting period before accumulating sick leave hours, and if so, how long the waiting period is. You can also set whether employees can carry over hours and whether there is a carryover limit, as well as set a limit on total sick hours accumulated.


The last step is to select the employees who can use this policy. Employees must have a hire date listed, in order to be included. You can use the Add All and Remove All links, or you can add individual employees one by one.


Click Save, and the new sick pay policy is listed, with all its properties. 


To make a change to the sick pay policy, click any field to edit it. For changes, edit the fields you need and click Save. There is also a Delete option.

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