05: Workers’ Comp: Certificates of Insurance

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

You’ll typically need one certificate per project location, and we make it easy to show proof of insurance. 

To get started, click Workers Comp along the left and open the Certificate of Insurance tab. 


Click New Certificate. 


In the Project Details section, enter the project location address, project description, and insurance license policy ID. 


In the Requester Details section, enter the contact details for the person or company requesting the certificate. Be sure to include a requester email so that the certificate can be sent right away. To send the certificate by email, click Save and Send.


For your own records, you can get a copy of the certificate by clicking its Download icon. 


If you need to change any details for a certificate, click the certificate's address, description, holder, or date. In the New Certificate window, make your changes and click Save, or click Save and Send to email the revised version. 


When editing a certificate, you can also change its status to Inactive. This is handy for keeping track of projects you're currently working on and ones you've already completed.

??? doesn't seem to work???

You can use the Active or Inactive button to switch your list between active and inactive users.  

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